Our gift
is understanding businesses and industries by building Integrated Financial Models. The Spirit of the Gift is a section in Charles Eisenstein’s book The Ascent of Humanity. From it we derive inspiration to give selflessly, in fact, to eliminate the need to control what we touch but rather to invest in the abundance of the universe with our whole hearts.
To live in the gift is to relinquish the compulsion to control, the program to label and number the world, the quest for reductionistic certainty, the drive to convert the world into money and property.
What does that mean to you?
When you partner with BrightZen you get access to all our resources, our experience, and our network. This was never about the money. When we say our mission is to help every business be better, we mean it. Top to bottom, from planning to understanding your business structure, scalability, market segment financial models, and options for your future. You want to talk about abundance? This is abundance.